Looking for inspiration as we head into 2020? Check out the 2019 CEO Water Mandate Annual Report to learn how companies around the globe are joining together in this international water stewardship effort. To date, 169 companies from 33 countries are sharing best practices and forging partnerships to tackle the challenges of water scarcity, water quality, water governance, and access to water and sanitation. This is industry at its best.
The Mandate is an initiative by the United Nations Secretary-General and the UN Global Compact, in partnership with the Pacific Institute. The Compact is the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, with more than 9,000 corporate participants and stakeholders from over 160 countries working together to address human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption.
Companies in the CEO Water Mandate work to further the UN Sustainable Development Goals and agree to make progress in six major areas: Operations, supply chain and watershed management, collective action, public policy, community engagement and transparency.
Successes announced in the 2019 Mandate report include launching the Water Stewardship University with online courses, adding 416 new projects to the Water Action Hub, and adding 100 new resources to the Water Stewardship Toolbox. If your company wants to make a difference, check them out and join such heavy hitters as Hilton, Merck, Microsoft, Nike and Unilever.
Read the full report here.